15–19 Jun 2015
Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone
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Efficiency of template banks for highly-eccentric gravitational-wave sources

15 Jun 2015, 17:50
Conference Room A (Hotel Mercure Buda)

Conference Room A

Hotel Mercure Buda


Mr Dániel Barta (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)


A large number of predicted waveform templates are used by data analysis of targeted search techniques for merging binary black hole sources based upon matched filtering. Waveforms for inspirals are parametrized by a set of intrinsic physical quantities result an eight-dimensional parameter space. The high dimensionality makes gravitational wave searches, parameter estimation, and modeling prohibitively expensive and computationally unfeasible with most methods. To address these issues, the construction of high-accuracy reduced basis representations that determines a relatively small set of the most relevant waveforms is essential. Our goal has been to develop interpolation techniques in the parameter space of waveforms: with a projection to a lower base, this allows one to significantly reduce the number of templates used and the computational demands for search for signals. Thus the resulted reduction where the eccentricity is about to play the main role will prove to be just as significant as it has been shown in the case of spin. We would like to efficiently compress and accurately represent the space of waveforms for nonprecessing binary black hole inspirals, which constitutes eight-dimensional parameter space. It is expected that the resulted reduction where the eccentricity plays the main role will prove to be just as significant as it has been shown in the case of spin.

Primary author

Mr Dániel Barta (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)

Presentation materials