15–19 Jun 2015
Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone
Have a safe trip back, please send us your photos!

Neutron Stars: Oscillations, Instabilities and Gravitational Waves

16 Jun 2015, 11:30
Mátyas Hall (Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest)

Mátyas Hall

Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest

Krisztina Körút 41-43, 1013 Budapest, HUNGARY


Prof. Kostas Kokkotas (Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen)


We will review recent progress in the study of neutron star seismology, the excitation of rotational instabilities and the associate emission of gravitational waves. We will show the detectability limits of such instabilities for neutron stars emerging from collapse or the aftermath of binary mergers (afterglow). Finally, we will discuss recent progress in the study of neutron stars in alternative theories of gravity.

Primary author

Prof. Kostas Kokkotas (Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen)

Presentation materials