15–19 Jun 2015
Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone
Have a safe trip back, please send us your photos!

Analytic structure of nonperturbative quark propagators and meson processes

15 Jun 2015, 17:50
Conference Room B (Hotel Mercure Buda)

Conference Room B

Hotel Mercure Buda


Prof. Dubravko KLABUCAR (Physics Department, PMF, Zagreb University)


The analytic structure of certain Ansaetze for quark propagators in the nonperturbative regime of QCD is investigated. When choosing physically motivated parameterization of the momentum-dependent dressed quark mass function M(p^2), with definite analytic structure, it is highly nontrivial to predict and control the analytic structure of the corresponding nonperturbative quark propagator. The issue of the Wick rotation relating the Minkowski-space and Euclidean-space formulations is also highly nontrivial in the nonperturbative case. A propagator form allowing the Wick rotation and enabling equivalent calculations in Minkowski and Euclidean spaces is presented. In spite of its simplicity, this model yields good qualitative and semi-quantitative description of some pseudoscalar meson processes. Extension to finite densities and temperatures is possible.

Primary author

Prof. Dubravko KLABUCAR (Physics Department, PMF, Zagreb University)

Presentation materials