11–26 Nov 2021
Europe/Budapest timezone

Superfeminine and Supermasculine Connections of the Human Brain

Not scheduled
Online lecture


Vince Grolmusz


The anatomical network of the human brain is one of the most complex and most intriguing object of study the humanity may encounter today. We demonstrate an Artificial Intelligence-based method, which is capable of identifying the most relevant brain connections, which define the sex of the subject. The work is based on the largest and the highest quality braingraph collection to date, the https://braingraph.org 1054 robust collection of connectomes, using the dMRI data of the NIH-funded Human Connectome Project.
Our most surprising result is the identification of 2 superfeminine and 3 supermasculine connections of the brain, which determine the sex of the subject if they are strong or weak enough, independently of the other connections of the brain.


Superfeminine and Supermasculine Connections of the Human Brain

authors Keresztes, László;Szögi, Evelin; Varga, Bálint; Grolmusz, Vince
affiliation Eötvös University, Budapest

Primary authors

Vince Grolmusz Mr Laszló Keresztes (Eötvös University) Ms Evelin Szögi (Eötvös University) Mr Bálint Varga (Eötvös University)

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